Because our congressional districts are the size of some of the smaller nations of the world the cost of candidacy is such that special interests will have total control over who shall have the opportunity to represent the people. The interests of wealth and power constantly seek to define/market the issues that will serve them best. And most certainly they will control the positions on any issues taken by any the candidates funded by them. It is the bloated constituency size and the resulting cost of candidacy that allows an aristocracy to limit and control information and to employ false, but well marketed economic axioms in accelerating and exacerbating the disparity of wealth that controls all candidacy. In this system of purchased puppets it becomes possible to insure the failure of representative government and to denigrate and indict democratic principles in the lust for still more aristocracy. The "Democratic Paradox" becomes the "Aristocratic Imperative", a self fulfilling prophecy. We do not have a representative democracy or a representative republic but that our House of Representatives is a legislative body that represents the wealthy and the powerful and creates legislation in favor of special interest groups and political parties. And because the constituencies are so large the cost of ever becoming a voting member of the House is prohibitive to those who will not simply be purchased by the special interests and subsumed into the TwoParty. It is this lack of true representation of the people that allows aristocratically inclined elitists and special interests to sabotage and then denigrate representative government in their never ending lust for more and more aristocratic control. For there are but two paths that can ever be followed: We can either forsake the blessings of representative democracy and the control it affords us over the oppression of a dictatorial caste system (a system of aristocracy), or we can seek to address and repair the fundamental problems in our currently disabled democratic institutions that are amplifying the disproportionate allocation of wealth and power. The "fascist" nature of our current government arises due to the inescapable fact that the current House of Representatives no longer informs and therefore does not represent the people. And as such it is but an engine of oligarchy and a rubber stamp in the creation and maintenance of unenlightened mod rule; a direct democracy which Royal Libertarians, Fascists, and other aristocratic camps will seek to label as a failure of what was intended to be our representative form of government.
Our Constitutional government was actually designed to control the problems of democracy. That is why there was a separation of powers; two legislative bodies, an executive and and a judiciary. But what a difference the limitation of adequate representation in conjunction with the information age has produced. The mob is now the entire nation because through control of information the separation of powers has been made utterly sterile. We have an "elected" king that can exercise enough control over all of the sources of information to unduly influence every vote for every position in government, and therefore appoint whoever he will to the Supreme Court and have his appointee confirmed as a matter of course. Oh speak to us of "demagogues" and tell us about "mobs". And then tell us what you would call an entire nation who's primary source of information is from entertainment enterprises such as "fix" news and "see'in in". These guys make money by selling ads for SUV's and tires and gasoline, for Christ's sake. You think they want to go back to programs about something as boring as peace? Explosions and fires and shooting are cinema. This is the stuff that sells tires, folks. Our American aristocracy would make war on Daffy Duck if they thought it would exalt their existence and convince the common people that economic policies favoring their caste are necessary to the safety and security of the nation. At the root of these problems is the lack of even a very basic and simple awareness of economic principles. Notice that political economy is not part of the high school curriculum, that potential voters of the nation are quite literally deprived of even the most basic awareness of a subject that will determine much about how they, as individuals, will prosper or fail (Note: Keynes ). And then this ignorance is enforced as people are deprived of proper agency by limiting their representation in such a way as to assure that only the those willing to support the aristocracy will be sufficiently funded in the race for voting power in the House of Representatives. Both of these perversions of democratic principle are well addressed by our favorite quote from Jefferson . By the deprivation of rudimentary economic education and a continuing deprivation of proper agency the American people are mislead, misinformed and misrepresented in such a way as to deprive them of their fundamental rights to self determination.
What our current politicians would have us perceive as a failure of representative democracy is a lack of representation and a manifestation of the ugliness of direct mob rule where the demagogue harangues the crowd with a patriotic lynching mentality and uses the mob to gain his ends. And those ends are ever more control in the hands of the aristocracy. In the system of governance described by our Constitution the representatives of the people were to form a two way path of information flow that was totally independent of any profit oriented entertainment "media" or self proclaimed "king". Such a direct relationship between the representative and the people themselves removes any bias or profit motive in the flow of accurate information. The free press was to keep an eye on our government, but one way mass media operated in a for profit world of entertainment was not to be the primary means of political discourse nor the only means by which the people would share information.